Monday, June 2, 2008

Free doctors acne home remedies lemon and zinc helps acne

You might also want to make use of mild cleanser plus facial scrub in order to exfoliate dirt, old skin cells and unblock skin pores. It is a myth that eating some types of food can worsen the situation. The main thought with foods is keeping grease and oil away from your face as these can enter to the skin pores and cause breakouts.
In the end, the best course of action is the natural one. Creams and lotions can have great affect to your skins' oily nature and rid it of those pesky bacteria that causes acne in the first place. Though always nearly topical they soothe the skin, open the pours and rid you of the oils that make acne a problem. What is more is they are relatively inexpensive and have no side effects even remotely as troubling as prescribed medications.
However what you eat may also trigger the increased growth of acne causing bacteria in your skin. You can use your diet to help create an internal environment that does not promote the growth of this acne causing bacteria. Diets that are high in fats and carbohydrates can contribute to causing more acne.
tags: home remedies for zits and acne, how to treat baby acne, best treatment for hormonal acne in adult woman

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