Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quick fixes for acne redness

« ...You may also want to use a mild cleanser and facial scrub to exfoliate dirt and old skin cells and unclog skin pores. It is only a myth that eating certain foods can aggravate the condition. The main idea with foods is to keep grease and oil from coming into contact with your face since these can enter skin pores and cause breakouts....
...The cause of acne is hormonal imbalance and / or toxins that build up in your blood. Teens and kids get acne because of the hormone changes that come with puberty. As you grow up and your body begins to develop, these hormones stimulate the sebaceous gland to make more sebum, and the gland can become overactive. When there is too much sebum, that oil clogs the pores and leads to acne....»
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«...The hormonal forces that fuel these changes also allow the development of unsightly spots mainly on the face and upper body of susceptible individuals. The result is ruined skin and often a ruined existence.Make no mistake, acne ruins lives. The very time in life that acne often appears is also the time that people are finding their own individuality and purpose. They are becoming strong in mind and body, opinionated and resourceful and there is a growing attraction for the opposite sex and a health identification of self and duty. Acne can mar this natural process and make individuals suffer untold torment which can even lead to depression and suicide.We view ourselves as others see us....»
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tags: how to get rid of teenage acne, over the counter - acne medication, han for acne care

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