Saturday, September 27, 2008

Infants face is so face dry and has acne

« ...Throughout history acne sufferers have used all natural and herbal remedies to treat their acne. These treatments are safe enough to use on our skin and effective enough to treat our acne. Why is it that not many of us know about these natural cures? It's that we are a nation of technology. We use the newest state of the art products. Simply put, we have gotten so wrapped up in "what's new and improved" that we have a hard time seeing the benefit in simple natural options....
...People are not only living longer but they are looking better too thanks to all the opportunities they have available. Also - people are becoming better educated with all aspects of their well-being and as they make positive changes to their lifestyles they look and feel healthier and get a whole lot more out of life....»
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«...Milk: A smaller segment of the acne population may react to milk and/or dairy products. Milk contains hormones which can promote the potential for acne infections. If milk is a factor in the promotion of acne, you have probably tried numerous prescriptive and non-prescriptive acne treatments without success....»
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tags: homeopathic sulfur acne, drugs that can cause acne pimples, home remedies to get rid of acne and acne scars

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